Gateway Construction Company, Inc. is committed to the safety of its employees and considers accident prevention a major company objective. We are concerned about the tragic effects accidents can have on the employee, their families and to the company.
August 2018 - Gateway Construction Implements B.A.R.S. Program
The B.A.R.S. (Bringing Awareness Regarding Safety) program has been implemented to the Gateway Construction Company, Inc. safety program. This program utilizes the fundamentals of the current Gateway corporate safety policy and combines that with employee feedback and assessment findings from the field. That information is then implemented into enhanced weekly safety talks, monthly safety newsletters, Gateway site specific safety plans that is shared with all employee’s company wide.
The program also includes but is not limited to; daily task hazard assessments, near miss and injury reporting, rigging inspection and inventory, and safety training tracking system. The goal of the B.A.R.S. program is to;
· Add an additional safety barrier to the workforce at the start of each work day.
· Give the worker a “voice” in safety through utilization of their input into the program.
· Increase communication between all Gateway employees
· Help reduce injuries and accidents company wide.